1. A detailed history of your chief complaint and background information to understand who you are, your nutritional habits, expectations, and goals of what you would like to do.
  2. Physical examination to evaluate your current problem(s). 
  3. A detailed report of the pertinent findings in our exam and possible diagnosis’ of what may be going on and the therapies that I believe can help your current problem.
  4. A plan of management indicating the duration, types of treatments that will be used, and the risks associated with each modality of treatment. 
  5. A open discussion where you can ask questions or voice any concerns you may have. 

What to expect from me as a clinician:  

  1. To give you my complete and undivided attention when you are in my care. 
  2. To give you an honest opinion on whether I can help you and in what capacity. 
  3. To refer you to a health provider who may better suit your needs if the diagnosis is out of my scope of practice.

What I expect from you as a patient:

  1. To be open to my recommendations and understand that my goal of treatment is to improve your current complaint as fast as possible and not to keep you as a patient forever. 
  2. To understand that our work together is a partnership to get you better. This means that we will both need to work collaboratively to obtain optimal results.